Desk Management – Clean Space, Happy Face!

"A person who works with a "messy" or cluttered desk spends, on average, 1 1/2 hours per day looking for things or being distracted by things or approximately 7 1/2 per workweek." (Source:

Your desk is your home base when at work.  It is where you find all of the information you need to do your job.  You, however, cannot do your job efficiently with clutter.  Clutter creates chaos, and chaos can turn the simplest task into a nightmare.

Developing a system will greatlyMessy desk improve the productivity you achieve each day.  Sort papers and projects by the date they are due or level of urgency.  Store them in files or folders so that all you need to do each day is pull out that day’s folder.  This will make your work load seem much more manageable and help you focus on what must be done instead of becoming distracted by side projects.

Make Friday your clean-up day.  By clearing your space each Friday, you start off every Monday with a clean slate.  Coming in to work on a Monday is tough enough without having an overwhelming mess on your desk.  A clean space will make Mondays feel more “do-able”.

Wipe down and disinfect your area.  Use wipes and cleaners on your phone, mouse, keyboard, etc. to eliminate disease carrying germs.  Being sick at work is the worst, so take a few minutes each day to wipe down your space.  It’s worth it.

By keeping your desk neat and organized, you are blocking out distractions and time suckers.  Keep your desk a clean space and you will find your happy place!

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