Field Service Management Offseason Tip: Rejuvenate

By David Crary  


Note: This is the tenth and final article in a series of blog posts with tips aimed at helping field service businesses improve during seasonal slow periods.

field service managementSo you’ve sent your customers thank you emails, shown your appreciation to your employees, and stuffed yourself full of turkey.  Now what?  Well I suggest you let that Tryptophan sink in and relax.

You have been so busy your entire season and with the holidays hitting you are probably exhausted!  Take time in your offseason for you.

Did you know that 75% of the general population experiences at least "some stress" every two weeks?  And that half of those experience moderate or high levels of stress during that two-week period (National Health Interview Survey)?  Stress contributes to many health problems, both mentally and physically.

Can you afford to be sick on top of your already stressful work schedule?  I doubt it.  Take care of yourself by taking time for yourself.

Take your kids to the zoo, do dinner and a movie with your spouse, go out for drinks with friends, and play fetch with your dog.  You may also need some alone time.  Read a book, watch your favorite sports team, or go work out.  Do activities that you enjoy doing and that will also help you to leave your work at the office. 

Before I founded the field service software company HindSite, I ran an irrigation business, I frequently took Fridays off to spend time with my kids. Not only did we save on daycare expenses, but we got to do a lot of fun activities – like go to the Children’s Museum, visit the state capital here in St. Paul, go to the Como Zoo – and, since everyone else is working, we avoided the weekend and holiday crowds. It was a great way for me to rejuventate and spend quality time with my family.

Laughing lowers stress hormones and strengthens the immune system by releasing health-enhancing hormones (Wallenstein, Gene. 2003. Mind, Stress, and Emotion: The New Science of Mood.Boston, MA: Commonwealth Press).  Go to a comedy club or see a funny movie.  Remember not to take life, and especially your job, too seriously or it may in turn seriously affect your health.

Take this time when your business is slowing down to do exactly that.  Slow down.  You’re no good to your field service business or your family if you are stressed all of the time.  It can be hard to take time for ourselves because we feel selfish or lazy, but in fact taking the time to rejuvenate yourself actually benefits all of those around you.

The offseason is a great time to rejuvenate and refresh yourself, but don’t just wait until this time of year.  Give yourself a break at least one weekend a month.  Remember to take time for yourself and your family and friends.  You won’t be much good to your field service company if you are overworked and stressed all of the time.  Plus, time away from the office your daily duties will allow you to come back with a fresh take on things. 

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