Keeping Your Field Service Management Techs (and Yourself) Safe and Pain Free

By David Crary  

field service management
Ever hear the phrase “You’re not gettin’ any younger”?  Well the sad truth is, it’s one of those phrases that is accurate and true.  It’s funny comparing yourself to your 10 year old self, 20 year old self, 30 year old self, etc.  I think back to times when I had all of that energy and am amazed I never needed a nap or a break!

The thing about the field service industry is that it is a profession that can wear the body down.  Most careers associated with the industry require you to be on your feet or knees a lot of the time.  They also usually require a decent amount of physical labor.  As the owner of a business, are you doing everything you can to ensure you and your team can handle the demands of a typical work day? 

Below I have provided a few tricks and tips I picked up since my time as an irrigation business owner.  Some I wish I personally would have used in my time in the business, while others are just general good rules of thumb.

  • Stretching- This may be one you never thought of because I know I sure didn’t.  Stretching out your joints and muscles each morning is one practice I would strongly suggest each team do before they start their day.  Not only does it help to prevent strains in muscles, it also can help to wake your team up a bit.  It gets the blood flowing and loosens everyone up.

    I also have a field service industry expert in my company, who suggests doing the movements you know you will be performing a lot throughout the day slowly at first to warm your body up and get comfortable with the movements.

    I personally have found stretching to be beneficial since I started doing Hot Yoga.  The heat mixed with the deep stretches leave me feeling very refreshed and I have experienced less physical pains since beginning my practice.  I know this sounds like a bunch of Ghandi/Zen master talk, and I probably would think I was nuts too if my doctor hadn’t recommended I give it a try to ease some of my aches and pains from my earlier years in the irrigation business.

    Play your guys’ favorite song of the morning and have fun with this!  It can feel a little silly at first, but wouldn’t you rather feel silly then lose an employee to strains and spasms?
  • Proper Techniques – I can bet your guys do a lot of lifting and moving.  Whether it be bags of fertilizer, a new water heater, salt bags, or even a heavy tool box.  I can guess you have heard the tried and true method of lifting with your legs, not your back a million times.  It doesn’t hurt however, to review this every now and then with your guys.  Remind them their spine should stay vertical while their body should be centered over their boots.

    If your guys have work that is over their head (literally), tell them to grab a ladder to reach it.  Reaching can cause strains and pulled muscles no one needs.  Better to be safe then lazy.

    You can (and should) also invest in equipment that can lessen the load for your guys.  Dolleys, lifts, ramps, etc. can lower the strain endured by your guys on a daily basis. 
  • Proper Attire – Simple things like gloves, helmets, and goggles should be provided as needed.  Reflective vests are another good investment for any company working outside and around traffic.

    To prevent muscle strains and pulls, invest in braces or harnesses.  Your guys don't have to wear them the entire work day, but they are a simple preventative step to do before heavy lifting or labor. 

    All of these should be required by you, the owner, to be worn.  If you make this a rule for the job, your guys will follow it.  The proper attire protects against possible legal actions and the loss of an employee all in one.  You can’t afford the liability or the work lost due to being down a guy.


The older we get, the harder it is to bounce back quickly.  Providing the appropriate training, equipment, and attire is one of the best things you can do to prevent injuries within your business.  Be sure to enforce safety while on the job and have consequences if your requirements are not followed.  You don’t want your guys injured any more than they want to be injured.  An added bonus is your guys will appreciate knowing you care about their safety. 

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