Why LinkedIn is the All Knowing Information Source for the Field Service Industry

By David Crary  

field service industryA lot of field service industry professionals are not using LinkedIn to its full potential, or at all.  I was one of the guilty ones up until recently.  LinkedIn is actually like hitting the motherload when it comes to everything from searching for a new employee, to needing advice on a new product, to giving your own advice on what to do with unruly customers.  If you joined LinkedIn on a whim (and because it was the newest and best thing out there since Twitter and FaceBook) and haven’t really checked your profile since you made it, I suggest you log back in and follow the advice given below. 

Groups – First things first is to start to “Follow” the groups and people you are interested in and that relate to your business.  You may want to look in to setting up your own personal LinkedIn page and having a separate one for your company.  The list of groups is endless, and I strongly recommend locating groups of associations or distributors in your state or area as well as fields and services that relate to the services you provide.  Also look in to joining the larger reaching associations, distributors and field service software providers.  They provide great information on when tradeshows are or what new products are available.  Some of the larger landscape management and snow plowing business groups that can help you get started are:

  • Snow & Ice Management Association (SIMA)
  • Lawn & Landscape
  • North American Snow Association “NASA”

While these are Green Industry related groups, each industry has their own big name associations and distributors that you can follow.

Or if none of these groups are providing what you are looking for, make your own group!  You can invite friends and other business owners to join and also post on other groups about your new group so they can join. 

New Hires – Did you know you can post when you are looking for a new employee or subcontractor?  LinkedIn was built as a way for professionals to connect, so what better way to find that new manager for your landcare division or a few subcontractors for when the snow hits?  You simply submit a post stating what type of employee or position you are hiring for either on your own page or on some of the group’s pages you are part of. 

One really great benefit of LinkedIn is that each person’s profile is like an electronic resume.  You are able to look at the profiles of those who show interest in your post and do a “pre-screening” of potential interviewees.  Their profile will show who they worked for previously, what their skills are, and if they are endorsed or recommended by anyone.

Field Service Industry Questions – LinkedIn provides great “forums” of sorts to get answers to any and all of your industry questions.  From which fertilizer provides the most bang for the buck to how to handle customers who won’t pay on time (or at all!), LinkedIn provides a place for industry professionals to share their knowledge and gain answers to their questions!

You are even able to find answers that are not so industry specific, but rather focus on basic business foundations and tips that can relate to any business.

For example (and mind you, you will need a LinkedIn account  to view this discussion), one man offers to critique your website for free.  All you have to do is post the link to your homepage in the comments and he usually responds within one or two days.  He provides some great feedback and it’s all free.  He just warns that he is honest – so be prepared!  Check it out here.

Equipment – Looking for a new piece of equipment?  Check out LinkedIn!  Companies going out of business, or those who have invested in newer equipment and looking to sell their older stuff are posting every couple of days (depending on which groups you join). 

Or looking to sell some equipment and not having any luck on Craigslist?  Post it on LinkedIn!  Use one of those groups you recently joined that contain members in your area.   

Connections – The concept of LinkedIn is providing people a way to build their professional network, or connections.  LinkedIn is a little bit like FaceBook except more business focused.  You can connect with experts in your industry in ways you otherwise may not be able to.

As I stated earlier, you may have a LinkedIn account, but really aren’t using it to its full potential.  It has many benefits that I missed out on in my first couple run-throughs of this social media tool.  I strongly urge you to take another look at your LinkedIn page.  Update it, join groups, and start being more involved in your field service industry in one of the easiest and cheapest forms possible.

Have your LinkedIn profile up and ready to go?  Follow HindSite here!

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