Apps for the Field Service Management Industry

By David Crary  

field service managementBeing in a world surrounded by technology, whether it be the field service software on your office computer or the tablets used out in the field, there is no stability.  Technology, and the applications, versions, plug-ins, cases, and add-ons that go with it are always changing and upgrading.

I recently did research to find some applications that can help the field service management industry out both from the office and the field.  These applications are free and are available on both iPhones and Androids.  I cannot verify specifically how well each individual application works, but based on customer reviews, these have ranked high in terms of satisfaction.

Morton Salt Pro App – This is a brand new app and is strictly focused at helping snow plowing business techs.  The app’s most beneficial and main feature is helping with deicing applications.  Your tech simply enters the temperature and surface area and the app will provide what product to use and application recommendations.  This can be a great tool if you have new guys out in the field who still haven’t mastered ice melters.  It is also a great tool just for general knowledge as some deicers are safer for plants, while others melt ice and snow faster.

Find My Friends App – This application is great if you want a way to track your technicians in real time.  Basically you set up an account and have your techs join your account.  The application allows you to see their location history and their current location.  This is great if you or a customer questions where they were on a certain day.  The application is also a great tool if a phone is lost or stolen.  Phones are expensive to replace and being able to know its exact location can be a huge money saver.   An added bonus is that it won’t drain your battery (or so says the application description).

The Weather Channel App – I know that basically any smartphone now days has a weather application already built in, but I still recommend downloading The Weather Channel app.  This application is great because you are able to see the weather for the next 24 hours, 36 hours, and a 10 day view.  You are also able to view a map showing any incoming weather as well as being notified when there is a severe weather watch or warning.  It is a great app for your guys to use when they are out in the field and need a weather update!

Evernote – If you’re anything like me, you’re always forgetting things. That’s not a problem with Evernote, the most robust note-taking app I’ve found. As their slogan says, Evernote enables you to remember everything. Capture anything you want – ideas, to do lists, things you hear, things you see – and Evernote sends it up to the cloud so you can access it anywhere.  Plus, Evernote makes it easy to find your notes – even if you have thousands of them – with a handy search feature.

LastPass – I’ve got a gazillion passwords. And with recent security breaches at sites like the aforementioned Evernote and LinkedIn, it’s important that you create unique, secure passwords for every website you use. That’s where LastPass comes in: You create a single master password to access all of your other passwords. With a handy plugin for your browser, LastPass automatically logs you in to websites where you have a password. The app itself costs $12 annually, while the plugin for your browser is free.


Do you know of any useful apps out there that can benefit the field service industry? Share in the comments below!

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