You might be asking yourself how purchasing one thing, will allow you to buy other things. Usually putting down money on a larger investment, like irrigation software, means you are tight on cash. However, irrigation software actually can help your business be more productive, cut costs and increase your revenue so you can buy that shiny new equipment you’ve had your eye on.
Irrigation software will help you make more money, in a few ways. For one, it will help you to schedule more jobs. With an efficient field service scheduling software solution that allows you to see how long each job should take, you can maximize the time in each work day. You will also have an effective routing system that allows you to schedule your guys in a way that will not waste time or gas. Eliminating the trips back and forth across town will save you money in gas, vehicle maintenance, and time.
On top of the extra cash earned from more jobs, you will also be saving money along the way. How? By having all information at your fingertips, whenever you need it. Nothing slips through the cracks, meaning all work orders are sent to the office as soon as they are complete thanks to mobile field service software. This allows the invoice to get sent right away, ensuring the bill is not forgotten and you do not lose money for already serviced jobs.
We have heard a few horror stories from our customers about lost or misplaced invoices. One example is a customer who had his crew completing paper work orders.. One particular work order was misplaced and found again 6 months later. It can be pretty hard to charge a customer for services performed half a year ago. It also throws off the finances for your entire company.
It may not be the most obvious resource to help you buy shiny new equipment, but having more time and saving time can for two reasons. For one, as stated above, when you have more time, you can schedule more jobs. More jobs equals more revenue coming in.
Secondly, when you have more time, you are more able to do research and find the right equipment for your business. The newest and coolest truck may not be the best fit for what your employees and customers need. Researching is always a smart move when it comes to bigger purchases and having the time to do the research will ensure you make the right decision.
By helping your business grow in one area, you are actually helping it grow in many areas. Implementing irrigation software has many benefits for a company looking to expand and those benefits are not always as obvious as others. Take the time to see how processes within your business, if improved, changed, or taken out, can help your business reach its full potential.
Are you in the market to buy new equipment? Looking to see what your peers are using? Take our 2013 Green Industry Equipment Survey today and receive an advanced copy of the report when we finish it this fall.