HindSite Story: Jensen Sprinkler

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We believe that Green Industry contractors are true entrepreneurs. They often start or run family-owned businesses, and grow them until retirement. Their hard work and focus on the field take up a large portion of their time.

Our number one priority is to improve the lives of our clients, not just their businesses. By making them more efficient in their day-to-day operations, we give them more time to focus on the things that matter, whether that be growing their business, watching their kid’s tee ball game, or both.

Jensen Sprinkler has been a part of the HindSite Family for over a decade. And we couldn't be more grateful. Stories like theirs is exactly why we do what we do. Always has been and always will be



Letter From Nancy Jensen at Jensen Sprinkler

My name is Nancy Jensen. My husband and I own Jensen Sprinkler in Sioux City, Iowa. We have been in business since 1989 and started out with pen, paper, and homemade whiteboards to manage our field services. We have been automated in some form since 1994 and have been utilizing software from HindSite for a decade. 


Prior to HindSite, we had tried three different field service software options that weren’t quite the right fit. I had one meeting with a service software rep who told me I was a square peg trying to fit into a round hole when I explained the features I was looking for in software. What I didn’t know then was that the software I needed already existed in HindSite, we just needed to find each other.


I initially heard about HindSite at a Rain Bird Select Contractor conference. I liked that it was created by people with actual knowledge of the green industry, but I was hesitant to make the leap because HindSite was more expensive than what I was using at the time. What I didn’t realize was how much HindSite would SAVE me in the long run. I shake my head at my lack of vision and wish we would have made the switch sooner than we did.


We are a small company. We have three field techs, one installation crew, and one office employee. We absolutely must be as efficient as possible to accomplish everything we need to in our nine-month season. We have 700 customers on the books for annual services and roughly 2000 on-demand customers. We absolutely could not do what we do without HindSite’s technology.


The scheduling features help us be ridiculously efficient. I can map tightly enough that my techs can park their truck and walk call to call. By reducing windshield time, we can be so much more productive every day. I can see from my schedule screen if technicians are running ahead or behind and adjust as needed during the day to either keep us on time or add more calls if time allows.


Our field technicians love the absence of paperwork, how they can anticipate the parts they will need for the week, and the data we have readily available for each customer. Admittedly they don’t always love that I can see how they are doing because if they are ahead, I am adding calls.


The communication features available in HindSite Connect save me from having to personally reach out to customers for scheduling or dispatching information. Customers appreciate meaningful and timely communication about their services and HindSite Connect seamlessly provides this for me.


The HindSite team has always been outstanding. From initial setup to correcting a random glitch in the matrix they have the people to help get us back online quickly. I truly appreciate their support staff. They have never made me feel dumb for asking questions or correcting something I messed up. I also appreciate how the entire team is open to suggestions and always striving to make their product better.


It is difficult for me to quantify the impact of HindSite Software on our business because we have utilized it for so long. I can tell you that writing this has made me feel rather emotional because of how much it means to me as a small business owner to have this tool that has made all the difference in the world in how effectively and efficiently our business operates. HindSite allows us to be small but mighty and I cannot imagine our day-to-day operations without them.


With sincere appreciation,

Nancy Jensen 

Jensen Sprinkler, Sioux City Iowa


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