How Do You Handle Change? (or, "Who Runs Your Company?")

It’s true. We’re a bunch of geeks over at HindSite. We get jazzed about developing, fixing, supporting, teaching, and selling lines of code, right? Like I said, geeks.

be a leader when it comes to changeSo we get frustrated when people pick up our field service software but don't commit to the change away from paper. But, it’s something we constantly run up against: people are afraid of change.  With our customers, it comes in the form of “tech block”, a wonderfully accurate term coined by Mark Peter Davis in this article. An older employee, using paper for 20ish years, is now asked to use a tablet, or a smartphone.  He or she digs in their heels. Pushes back. Fights it. And the owner comes back and says, “My people won’t do it.” Wait, what? No offense, but who runs your company?

Ok. Time for some backstory.

HindSite’s field service software was first designed and installed in our fearless leader’s irrigation business in 1998. His oldest employee, Joe, was a former Master Sergeant and a long-time industry veteran. When he was handed a PDA, he told his boss where that device could go.

In turn, Joe was told where he could go: “Joe, this is how we’re going to do things now. If you want to work here, you will learn how to do this. “

A few months later, Joe walked into his boss’ office and set a broken PDA on the desk. “I need this fixed. I’m going to quit if I have to start using paperwork again.”

Did I mention he’s our mascot!?

When it comes to your business, as a leader, your job is to set a vision and decide where the company needs to be in 5 years… and then get after it. That often means changing things up, bringing in new tools, doing things differently. And people don’t like change (think “fight or flight”).

But, since you lead your business and your employees, you make the decisions. And you need to enforce them.

  • It’s not a power thing
  • It’s not an ego thing
  • It’s not a “personal” thing
  • It’s a success thing.

You will experience change. Sometimes that change happens at a busy time of the year… i.e. less-than-convenient. But if the change is for your success and the success of your company, commit to it. Enforce it. Be the leader, and make it happen.  

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