Workplace Safety: Protect Your Field Service Techs

safe practices for your field service techs are important!Concern about workplace safety is more prevalent in some industries than others. But no matter what you do, don’t neglect it. Why am I talking about this now?

Last night at the gym I saw the ultimate spectacle of a guy doing everything wrong. Sure, he was huge, putting up massive weights. But he’s going to be in a world of pain, and seriously injured, if he doesn’t fix his form.

Do your employees have good form? Here are a few things to check:

  1. Remind your field service techs to co-lift heavier equipment or loads, and always use proper form. Keep your back straight and “lift with your legs”, and not your back!

  2. Don’t reach and twist for objects at the same time. The body is not at its strongest in that situation, making injuries more likely.

  3. Inspect equipment and make sure that operators are certified (or well trained), and consider setting up a quick inspection checklist before equipment is used.

  4. Don’t neglect safety gear: gloves, eyewear, hardhats, high visibility vests, all as needed. It’s not a macho thing, it's a stay-in-one-peice thing.

Driving safety is a whole separate area to check out. Your guys spend a lot of time in their trucks, and it can be a huge liability for you, so get ‘em re-trained on the basics of driving safety.

As far as resources? Talk to your insurance company. They should be more than happy to make sure you and your employees are playing it safe.


PS – Don’t forget about your office personnel! Here’s a great website for proper workstation heights, and a simple Google Search will find plenty of office ergonomic information (say that 3 times fast!).

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