One Trick for a Successful Field Service Management System

This trick may not be so useful for the field service management system itself, but it is very important for the people behind the system.  The trick is to eat a healthy, full balanced breakfast!

Having a sluggish, unmotivated field service management systememployee can affect a work day in many ways.  For one, they are usually slower getting their work done.  This leads to a less productive day.  Secondly, their lack of motivation can slow down other employees.  It either puts a larger work load on coworkers or the “sluggishness” spreads through to other people.  If one coworker isn’t working that hard, why should others?  Thirdly, concentration levels suffer when a person doesn’t eat a healthy breakfast.  This means your customers are not receiving the best service possible; a big no-no for those in the service industry.

Starting your day off right with a healthy breakfast has many benefits such as:

  • Eating more vitamins and minerals
  • Eating less fat and cholesterol
  • Having better concentration and productivity throughout the morning

Employees who eat healthier and more regular meals are also less likely to become sick.  This makes less sick days your employees are taking, which in turn leads to more productive days.  It also means more revenue for your business because more able bodied workers means more jobs completed in a day.

And you’re in luck! Mayo Clinic provides what forms the core of a healthy breakfast:

  • Whole grains. Examples include whole-grain rolls, bagels, hot or cold whole-grain cereals, low-fat bran muffins, crackers, or Melba toast.
  • Low-fat protein. Examples include peanut butter, lean meat, poultry or fish, or hard-boiled eggs.
  • Low-fat dairy. Examples include skim milk, low-fat yogurt and low-fat cheeses, such as cottage and natural cheeses.
  • Fruits and vegetables. Examples include fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, 100 percent juice beverages without added sugar, or fruit and vegetable smoothies. Choose low-sodium versions of beverages, though.

Pass this out around the office or hang it up at home to remind you that starting with a nutritious breakfast really can make or break your day!

Source: Mayo Clinic -

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