Efficient Dispatching – “Tickler Files”

Efficient Dispatching

Tickler Files are the dispatcher’s, and the company’s, best friend when it comes to finding that little extra profit.  A “Tickler File” is a place where information on the customer is stored that can be used by the service provider at a later date to make more profit. 

Things such as model or serial numbers of parts, age of equipment, or suggestions made by techs about an additional part the customer may benefit from can and should be recorded in the tickler file.  Tickler files are useful in that the company is already prepared for the issue or problem before it occurs.

Once a tech is finished with his tickler file, the dispatcher should collect it and look for any specific notes about customers and their property.  The dispatcher can do a number of things with this information such as:

  • Keep a history of the customer and the parts used on site.  This is very useful so the tech will always have the correct part on site and not waste their time or the customer’s waiting for a new part to be ordered.
  • Preorder any parts that the tech notices will need to be replaced
  • Call the customer in a few weeks or months to suggest the replacement or fix of something the technician noticed would need fixing in the near future.

A field service management software is a great tool to keep track of all of this extra data.  With field service software you can enter the information in the customer's history, have reminders set to pop up when the customer is in need of a new part or piece of equipment, and schedule customers for future jobs.  The possibilities are endless on what you can do with this extra information.

The dispatcher already has a head start on the customer.  They can preorder the part or piece of equipment that the customer will eventually need, not only being efficient themselves, but also making the company one that is a proactive problem solver.  Customers appreciate being looked out for and taken care of.  Plus, this information is power.  It gives the company an upperhand over competiters.  This is just one extra step the dispatcher can take to provide great customer service and also gain the company a little extra cash!

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