How Paperless Work Order Software Improves Your Life: Four Basic Ways

Super Bowl Sunday 2014. A yawner. All the hype, and it was somewhat of a let down from a pure entertainment standpoint. The game was way too one-sided to create any excitement, the commercials were OK but only one of them brought me online to dig deeper, and the half-time was confusing and made me anxious for some big thing at the end that never really happened.

However, in addition to the Seattle Seahawks, there was another clear winner: Bruno Mars. Over 100 million viewers and 12 minutes of time on the halftime stage gave him unprecedented exposure! His name was searched over 2 million times on Google during that time. I was one of them because I was curious about his age. Bruno is 29 years old. Guess what he was paid: see #3 below. 

Truthfully, it was a great evening for me. Why?  I wasn’t doing any paperwork! I simply was
enjoying some appetizers and watching television with family without the guilt
and distraction of sending invoices out.

How can Super Bowl Sunday 2015 be this way for you? Simply by using field service management software. It will improve your life in these four ways:

dog ate my homework

1. Get it out of your head

No more reinventing the wheel and second guessing pricing for your clients. With our software you will define all the pricing, procedures, and business rules up front with our advisors. We'll work with you to get things out of your head and into a process. You will feel immediate freedom to know that your business will be standardized and consistent.

2. Maybe math isn't your thing

I can talk my way out of a paper bag, do crossword puzzles and cook but when it comes to numbers my best friend is my phone calculator. No more thinking on this front. By defining the business rules and pricing in the process step, the math is built into our field service software so no more concern that you made a mistake on any invoice.

3. My dog ate the invoice

The old student excuse of “my dog ate my homework” can turn into a real nightmare when the dog ate the invoice! There are so many issues that can come up with billing and it is likely one of the most important business practices that you do. Make it effortless and virtually foolproof with our integration to accounting software like QuickBooks and Sage50. Every day invoices can go out after the service is completed. It is routine and  timely.  Interesting fact: Bruno Mars wasn't able to send an invoice to the NFL, that gig was for free.

4. Your bank account will grow quicker

I've talked to customers - especially snow removal businesses - who can take weeks to bill after a major snow event without work order software. Work order software can shave that to a matter of hours or minutes. The faster the invoices are sent to your customer, the faster you will be paid. This means that money will be in your bank account faster and therefore your cash flow has improved.

So don’t wait for 2015. Get this started today and you will be enjoying more time for your favorite television show, your participation in a sport or simply relaxing with your family. You deserve it!

Oh, one more thing, the one commercial that I found intriguing might be of interest now that you will have more time to enjoy yourself at home. It was the wireless HiFi system from Sonos.  Hearing different music in every room, controlled from my tablet or phone, looked very cool. So classical music in the dining room to unwind but a little Bruce Springsteen in the kitchen to get the creative cooking juices going. And I know one thing, it isn’t as expensive as the Maserati vehicle that would certainly be a dream to drive.

PS - Now that you've saved yourself a bunch of time with work order software, why not spend some time turning your indifferent customers into your biggest fans? We can help! Download our latest eBook, 20 Ways to Improve Customer Loyalty, today! 


20 Ways to Improve Customer Loyalty

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