I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we do not live in the land of Harry Potter or Peter Pan and we do not live forever. However, we can make sure that our businesses do (or at least live long past we do). In our world, the greatest form of immortality that we have is that of Elvis Presley or Steve Jobs. Unfortunately, most of us won't be that lucky but we do have the ability to establish our own small business that will create relationships with clients for generations. In order to ensure this, you need great people that will greatly tend and nurture your green industry business long after you've gone.
1. Have a written succession plan. Think of it as planning out a family vacation before you actually go. You wouldn't normally hop on a plane with your entire family in tow without having a hotel booked, a car rented, or any activities on the agenda. It's the same thing with your small business. Write down your plan, map it out, and then go over it again. This will also help when unexpected things come up because you and your green industry business will be ready to handle whatever comes it's way. Have an effective plan clearly written out so that your current and future employees have strict guidelines to follow.
2. Use software to make the transition easier. I've said it before, I'll say it again: field service software will make your life so much easier. When handing over your company it will be better to not have to deal with all of the extra paper that normally comes along with such a process. The Hindsite Solution is an excellent example of a software that will help you streamline your business and its processes. If you organize and simplify before turning your business over to someone else, they will be able to focus on the big picture of a successful business as opposed to the minor details.
3. Document all of your processes. Field service companies have many different processes, it is vital to have the same way of doing everything as to create consistency. Document all of these, even the ones that seem self-explanatory because one day, when you're no longer in charge of the daily functions of your business, someone else is going to need to know how to do everything. So whether it's explaining how to work the faulty coffee pot in the office or how to operate the specific functions of the software; write it down. My suggestion would be to compile a handbook. This way, everything will be in one place and you won't have to remember if you wrote something down or not.
4. Have a life insurance policy for the business. As a small business owner you work hard to establish your work and to achieve success. However, you need to make sure that success continues so that all of your hard work doesn't go to waste. There are a lot of questions that come with the future of small businesses. What will happen to your business after you move on? Will your successors work well together? These are just a few of the details that need to be worked out in order to ensure that your small business outlives you.
5. Delegate. Delegate. Delegate. It's important to divide the responsibilities of your business. It's also important that you have someone else who can do everything that you do. Think of it as having an apprentice. This way, when the unexpected happens this person will be waiting in the wings and will be able to calmly and coolly step in to fill your shoes.
Follow these five pieces of advice and you will be on your way to ensuring that your business lives longer than you do! For now, keep doing what you're doing. Small green businesses are the key to the hearts of many.
Now that you know your business will live on, learn the ins and outs of building immediate success with our latest eBook available for FREE download now!