How Climate Change Affects Green Industry Business

By David Crary 

Climate change is affecting your green industry business and will continue to affect you more and more in the years to come. You need to prepare for these changes to keep your business running as successfully as possible. Increase your competitive edge over the competition by planning ahead for these changes. Below are 5 ways climate change can affect your green industry business and what you can do to prepare.

1. Warmer temperatures

The average temperature of the earth is projected to rise 3 to 10 degrees over the next 100 years. Unfortunately, the higher temps aren’t spread out evenly: some places are already 12 degrees hotter than they used to be, and other places are colder than usual. Changing temperatures may change the temperature zones. The need to plant warm-season grasses farther north may increase. Cool-season grasses grow best between 67 and 75 degrees and warm-season grasses grow best between 80 and 95 degrees. As the transition zone expands northward, green-industry businesses will need to expand the use of warm season grasses such as zoysiagrass and centepedegrass with tall-fescue overseeding. Double check that all landscaping plants you install will do well in the new climate that is settling into your area.

2. Increase risk of drought

As temperatures increase, droughts will be more severe and happen more often. This will increase the need for irrigation systems. Fresh water preservation will also increase the demand for irrigation systems that reuse storm water instead of using well water. Help your customers plan ahead by offering systems that water potted plants and gardens as well as lawns; you'll improve profits and your image as a leader in your industry.

3. Stronger storms

Research shows that climate change will cause storms and hurricanes to get even worse. Protect your business against this risk with good insurance and extra precautions. Keep your equipment stored in a sturdy location when not in use. Make sure you have insurance to cover loss or damage caused by tornadoes or hurricanes (depending on where you live). Also, remember to install landscaping that will hold up well against severe weather. Newly planted trees and shrubs are very vulnerable to high winds and may not recover from a bad storm, causing you to have to replace them for free.

4. Changing patterns of rain and snow

Climate change is making some people get more precipitation and others less. This will change where snow-removal services are needed and may cause flooding problems in many areas. You can keep your customers one step ahead of the game by helping them prepare for flooding. Help make sure their landscaping guides water away from their foundations. Also, encourage customers to build rain gardens to add beauty to areas commonly flooded by rainwater (depending on climate).

5. More heat related illness

In the green industry, our employees are out in the hot sun all the time. With increasing temperatures we need to keep our employees safe with proper hydration, breaks to cool off and clothes that protect and keep them cool. Teach employees the warning signs of heat stroke and dehydration and provide a structure for them to report these symptoms to their supervisors. Other heat-related illnesses include those spread by insects like mosquitoes. You can help prevent mosquito-borne illnesses with proper gear and insect repellants. 

Climate change may not seem like it’s happening very fast, but don’t let it sneak up on you. Show your customers that you are ahead of the game by helping them plan ahead for climate change. Show them how you will save them money in the long run and place yourself ahead of other green-industry businesses.


Another way to protect your business (not against climate change) is to invest in software!  Download our eBook if you are interested in lawn maintenance software. 

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