HindSite Blog

September 29, 2016 4 min read

By 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be Millennials. The group otherwise known as Generation Y (people born early 1980’s to early 2000’s), are coming to an age where they can be regularly considered for leadership roles in most businesses. While they might get a bad rap for the things we hear about all the time, like being lazy ...

September 27, 2016 4 min read

As a growing field service business, you might operate with fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, trial and error methods. And that is perfectly fine! Plenty of entrepreneurs and business owners are entering uncharted territory. They might have never dealt with customers the way...

September 08, 2016 5 min read

Key question, are you running your business as a lifestyle or a business? Next, why did you get into your own business? Hang on to your answers. A 2016 Green Industry Survey by HindSite Software revealed the following startling information.


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