5 Ways to Simplify Your Field Service Business

By David Crary  
There are two ways to lessen the burden of running a business: you can cut corners or you can simplify. Cutting corners means finding ways to reduce task load by skipping tasks and organization in order to get everything done, ultimately hurting yourself and your business. Simplifying means seeking out solutions that will make task management easier, increasing the success and decreasing the stress of running a business. Instead of feeling that cutting corners is the only option you have to get everything done, recognize that simplifying your business is a meaningful time investment that will ultimately help organize your business and life. Read on for more tips to help you de-stress, declutter, and design a business plan that will benefit your company for years to come.



1. Go Digital

Going digital will save you time and paper cuts. Instead of digging through files every time you need to find a receipt, calendar, or phone number, switch your file management system to digital. HindSite offers field service software which manages everything from scheduling to billing to customer management, making every file just a mouse click away.


2. Plan Ahead

If you don’t already keep to-do lists or create goals for your field service company, make it your first priority. It is important to have a clear and concise plan of action for your company’s big projects and to-do’s, because without one, you have no way to monitor the business' progress or even know if the tasks that are important to you have been accomplished. You wouldn’t road trip across the country without a map; why let your company go undirected?


3. Communicate

Keep an open dialogue with your customers so they know they can reach out to you whenever the have a question or comment. Make it easy for them to get ahold of a person, as well— humans thrive on person-to-person contact, so make it a priority in your business. Another tip is to send confirmation emails for appointments or billing. Without implementing these suggestion, customers will feel like they aren’t being reached out to in a way that is rewarding to them.


4. Communicate With Your Employees

It's important that your employees are on the same page about your field service business news and goals. Find a way that works best for you and your employees to communicate and make it a priority to share company news and information with your employees who have so much invested in your company. Some popular communication methods are notes, Power Points, emails, and even Friday meetings complete with doughnuts and coffee. If your employees know what is going on internally, they will feel more loyalty towards your company. Find a way to communicate with your employees and make sure you follow through, this will ensure that your employees are on board too.  


5. Know Your Numbers 

It is so important to pay attention to your profits, along with the expenses. Keep a spreadsheet document, or find a statistic monitor that can help you compare annual and quarterly income. This will also come in handy in helping you determine which months are your most popular and allow you to create promotions to use in slower times. Once you get all of your numbers organized, the only number you will need to remember is to tell your customers you are number one.


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