What Clarity Means for Your Service Business Success

Are you having a foggy Monday? Maybe the coffee hasn’t kicked in quite yet (if you’re like me you need somewhere between 3 and 500 cups), or maybe you’re already running, but just not as crisp as you’d like. It happens. And it’s a great segue into a core leadership concept: clarity.


As an owner or manager in the field service industry, you’re a busy guy or gal. Managing crews and technicians, handling customers, finding new work, keeping the office running smoothly… it’s a lot of work. And it’s easy to lose focus on what helps drive your business.

What is your goal?

Are you trying to reach a new level in terms of revenue, so you can keep your organization growing? Are you looking to maintain your current success? Or are you looking for your exit strategy, either passing the business on or selling?

Regardless, you’re going to need vision to do it.

That’s your job, as a leader: you establish the vision, and motivate your company to move in that direction. It’s hard work, because it requires you to stop working in the business: when you take time to work on vision (and it does take time), you can’t be answering the phones or working on invoices.  It’s probably why you do it mostly driving between jobs or estimates, or late in the evening.

Clarity is what keeps people focused on that vision. Clarity is making choices on a regular basis that support the company and keep it moving in the right direction. 

So on this potentially foggy Monday, make sure you give yourself some time during the week to think about your vision, and to make sure you are making decisions with clarity. It’s one of the best time investments you can make for your business.

To read more on clarity, read the post from Duct Tape Marketing that inspired this article:
The Single Greatest Factor of Success in Business

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