6 Rules For a Great Service Department: Rule #5 Make Goals

Make goalsGoals are a great way to achieve results among your employees.  A list of goals shows employees what you expect of them while also providing you with a way to compare where employees are to where you think they should be.

While coming up with a list of goals is simple, managing and reporting on them can become difficult.  The whole point of a goal is to measure progress and eventually reach it, but if you have no way to measure and record it than they are useless.

Helpful hints:

  1. Keep it simple.  You need a list that you can actually keep track of.  So start simple and with something easily manageable.  We recommend starting with something like billable hours.  You can compare hours enforced to hours worked.  You might be shocked at how many hours you are paying for that you are not selling.  Make this into a goal to even out the difference between the hours and show your techs what you’d like out of them.
  2. Make it achievable.  If goals are considered unachievable they do not motivate change.  So remember your guys skill level and make the goals something you know they can achieve.  Don’t let the goals set scare your guys in to failure.
  3. Make this fun.  Record progress and make it public.  Post a sheet up on the bulletin board showing progress.  Perhaps even turn it into friendly competition and give a small prize to those who have the most improvement each week or month.

Making list of goals may not be high on your priority list at the moment, but it really is a great tool to master.  Not only do goals give you a way to compare where the techs are to where they should be, they also show techs what is expected of them.  It’s a win-win!  Remember, it’s not about what you expect, but rather what you inspect.  Follow up and monitor your goals and you will see their usefuleness.

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