John F. Kennedy’s Great Quote About the Field Service Industry

Okay so maybe his intentions for the quote weren’t aimed towards the field service industry, but the quote does apply so bear with me:

Field Service Industry and Leadership
“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”

A good effort put forth is always appreciated, but if there is no purpose or direction, what’s the point?  If your techs don’t understand why they are doing what they are doing, their motivation levels will not stay up for long.  Add in zero direction as to what they should be doing, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.

The success of a company really rests in the morale of employees.  If your employees are feeling confident in the purpose of their work and are being guided by directions that are clear and easy to follow, your company will have a much higher success rate. 

So listen to your employees.  Explain things if they have questions and be sure you are giving explanations in a way they can understand.  Make them understand the direction of the company and why it is so important to aim in that direction.  Knowledge is power my friends and ensuring you and your employees are all on the same page is a great start to this power.

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