The title basically says it all. You, as an owner, balance many hats in your company. One of those includes staying up to date with current ideas. How will your business thrive and improve in the future? We don’t doubt that you don’t know how to manage your team, but there is always room for improvement.
Here are a few different ideas you can use to continue developing your management skills. You can:
Read a book – Books are a great tool to take away some new management skills. You can read them when you have time, like on the weekends, and at your own pace. Good to Great by Jim Collins sheds great light on almost every area of management. Gino Wickman wrote Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business, where he shares the secrets of strengthening the six key components of a business. These are both under $20 and are pretty quick reads!
- Take a course – In your off season, sign up for some classes. These can be a little more spendy than books, but trust us, they are worth it. Experts come in to share their secrets and you get a chance to ask about the issues you are dealing with. Plus, you get the added bonus of hearing other business owners’ struggles and learning from them.
- Gain tips from online sources – Subscribe to newsletters, read blog posts, or do some research on management skill tips during your off time. Sites like and are filled with advice and stories you can learn from.
Whether you decide to read a book, attend a course, or just search for tips online, you should always be striving for more knowledge. Knowledge is power and it is important to keep learning so that your business can continue to grow and succeed.