Greeted Like a Hero

These blog posts normally aren’t for personal stories to be shared, but today calls for a special exception.

Your companion greets you like a hero even if your customers don’t agree that day.  Our friend lost his companion, Chloe, yesterday. 

ChloeChloe, the loveable yellow Labrador with the sweetest smile, had been to our office many times.  She would come in, lay down by her owner’s desk, and keep a watchful eye on him as he traveled about the office.  Often times, she would get up just to follow him as he made his rounds.  Chloe was a wonderful addition to any day that she was allowed to come hang out with us in the office and she will be sorely missed by all who knew her.

The loss of a pet may be one of the most difficult tragedies in life.  For those who do not have pets, it may seem odd to mourn the loss of something that cannot have a conversation with you.  But for those of us who are owners, we understand what a pet means to us.  They are our best friends, our family members and our support system.  They listen without judgement, protect without question, and comfort without saying a word.

As a friend of mine wrote:  “For the last time – No, we dog owners don't care about keeping our things in the "perfect" condition we bought them in, tumbleweeds of dog hair doesn't bother us, no grass in the yard doesn't phase us, and we DO accept that no outfit is complete without dog hair...The tradeoff for this is unconditional love, did anyone care at all when YOU last walked in the door?”

So next time you’re feeling a bit down after a long day of work, we suggest you go home and hug your dog, cat, bird, or hamster.  Because time after time, you will be greeted like a hero, and some days we just need that.

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