Word-of-Mouth – Nice Companies Make More Money

“It’s sad as hell that just doing the right thing makes us a special company.”

word of mouthThis truth, no matter how sad it may be, comes from Andy Sernovitz, the “Word of Mouth Marketing Guy.”  Sernovitz wrote an entire book about word of mouth marketing and shared his insight to Matthew Grant during a recent episode of Marketing Smarts.

The common misconception Grant found was that gaining positive word-of-mouth requires having a truly awesome product or service, or doing something remarkable.  Instead, Sernovitz points out a few simple ways companies can gain that positive word of mouth.

Niceness Counts.  Sernovitz says one thing companies forget to do is “to be human.”  It can be difficult to not get wrapped up in a job and forget who you are doing a job for.  But as most people would agree, a job well done by a nice person is more likely to be remembered in the future.  Being kind, offering extra help, and showing the company cares about the person will leave a longer lasting impression.

Undervaluing Word-of-Mouth.  Never undervalue the word-of-mouth.  It is free advertising for one thing.  As Grant also states, “word-of-mouth leads are probably more highly qualified. Why? Usually they're actively searching for a product like yours and they were steered to your company based on a recommendation from a trusted source.  Given interest, intent to buy, and peer-driven good will, what more could you ask for?”  And don’t forget to thank the customer for the recommendation as well.  Offer a discount on the next service or send a thank you note.

Active Customer Service.  Don’t stand by passively.  If you hear of an issue, such as an employee being late, respond before the customer can complain.  Make a phone call or send an email apologizing for any inconveniences.  Customers appreciate being cared about.  Responding to an incident before it escalates can really save a bad situation from getting worse.

In the end, niceness really will take you a long way with customers.  Remember they are actual people who appreciate respect and you will succeed in providing great customer service.

To read the entire artcle or to watch the interview, click here.

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