As a service business owner, it can be difficult to find down time. I have found that being able to delegate tasks and free yourself up for some "me time" can make you a much better owner and manager. Burning yourself out will not create a successful green industry business. Here are 4 ways to ensure you won't run yourself into the ground.
Look for the right people with the skill sets that fit your green industry business. Take time on the front end to interview candidates with the best credentials, personalities, creative abilities, interests and drive. Be sure to check references and be thorough in your interview process. It will pay off in the end.
Have a committee of people involved to give you feedback on candidates. Create a formal HR plan to recruit, select, train, develop, retain and reward your employees. Put an HR plan in place for staff turnover.
Identify employees that are right for the position. Some of the key elements to look for in employees are:
Eagerness and drive to succeed
Cultural fit
New employees need to be mentored. Mentors can assist the new employee with orientation and assistance getting acclimated to the company. They can answer questions about the job and the job environment.
Create a new hire checklist for new employees to refer to the first few weeks of employment to help ensure that new employees understand your basic business procedures.
We all know the first few days on a new job can be pretty nerve wracking. Why not help ease some of the nerves and apprehensions. Clearly state the expectations and continue to give new employees helpful feedback.
In order to create a loyal, well-trained, knowledgeable, ethical work force you need to invest in employee training and development. Employees want and deserve to be set up to succeed; training is part of the formula.
Employees are really concerned about maintaining their skill sets. Training and development empowers employees. That has a direct impact on the connections they make with your customers. It’s your job as the business owner to maintain a commitment to learning and creating a company with a training strategy and a development plan.
New-hire orientation programs are particularly critical for the transition from new hires to contributing members of a small green industry business. Considering the staggering costs of employee turnover, new hire training is not the place to cut or reduce spending.
As small green industry companies build their budgets and plan for the upcoming years, it is absolutely critical to continue training for the future and investing in tomorrow. Keep an eye on what is ahead and let your employees know they have a future in your company. Talk to employees about how you see them contributing to your organization and the investment you’re willing to make in them and their success.
How do you figure out the kinds of risks you might encounter in your green industry business? Try testing your specific business ideas with real customers and setting concrete goals.
Successful entrepreneurs are extremely self-aware about their strengths and weaknesses and help themselves by seeking out others with complimentary skills and traits to help them.
Ideas to help deal with the risks of running green industry business:
Find a supportive network. In order to find inspiration and advice, consider joining a professional organization.
Have an exit strategy. A business plan should determine how much money and time you’re willing to put into continuing a business. Do not rely simply on emotion.
Create coping skills. Build stress reducers into your schedule (walking, running, biking, meditation, talking with friends). A successful entrepreneur needs positive self-talk strategies.
Try to determine what kinds of benefits make your employees happy. If you have not done this, it’s definitely time to start. Your employees are one of your strongest assets and if they’re performing well, they need to be rewarded and feel how much you value them. Employees are looking for a good work-life balance. You can customize your benefits to your population or to an individual. Some ideas to consider:
Training, development and advancement opportunities
Offer employees challenging projects
Bonuses to recognize achievement
Give away gift vouchers
Offer awards for performance
Consider allowing flexible work hours
Consider providing a family gym membership
Publicly recognize star efforts by employees
Give away movie tickets, dinner for two or tickets to a sporting event
Ask employees what benefits are meaningful to them and consider acting accordingly
Create opportunities for employees to bond with each other and with managers.
Make time for a game, concert or scavenger hunt to keep people connected!
Now what you have more time for yourself, download our newest eBook for some great tips on a successful service business!