See how HindSite simplifies the entire process so you can save time, deliver a better customer experience and regain control of your business.
September 24, 2012 2 min read
We touch people every day. In fact, we touch A LOT of people every day just by being business owners. Yes, even you! This isn’t something you can run from, so if you don’t like touching people – tough!
September 21, 2012 2 min read
I still wear shoes that I’ve owned for more than a decade. Most days, I eat a tuna sandwich with yogurt for lunch. My musical tastes are stuck in the grunge era. Ask my co-workers at HindSite and they’ll tell you that they rarely spot me away from my desk.
September 20, 2012 2 min read
This past weekend was my mother’s birthday. As a gift from my siblings and I, we offered to buy her a smartphone. My mother was resistant to the world of smartphones for quite some time but finally realized the benefits of it and decided she was ready. So off to the store we went!