See how HindSite simplifies the entire process so you can save time, deliver a better customer experience and regain control of your business.
June 29, 2012 1 min read
I’m sure all of you have seen the Angie’s List commercial or have seen one of her ads posted somewhere, but do you even know what Angie’s List is or does? To be honest, I really didn’t until I looked it up online and what I found was actually pretty interesting and really useful!
June 27, 2012 1 min read
Lately there has been some crazy weather going on throughout the US. There have been raging wild fires in Colorado, hurricanes in Florida, and severe flooding right here in Minnesota. While some are more predictable like hurricanes, others can catch us completely off guard.
June 26, 2012 1 min read
Most of the time, we in customer service consider complaint calls a bad thing. A customer calls in angry or upset by the service they received and usually wanting it fixed or compensated. While it’s not good to have a lot of complaints, it actually can be a good thing for your business to have a few complaints.